Grief and Loss - Potential for New Meaning
Finding meaning and a new way forward after significant loss, endings, or transitions can seem daunting and, perhaps, not even possible. This process-oriented, experiential group is for those who wish to search within themselves along with each other to uncover new possibilities for aliveness, creativity, and meaning after experiencing loss, endings, or difficult transitions. Meets weekly for 12 weeks. Meets virtually.
Group Details
Beachwood, OH 44122
My Other Groups
Relational Psychotherapy Group
This psychodynamically-oriented group encourages members to develop and explore their relationships with others as well as themselves. The group is experiential in nature, with members working to increase awareness of recurring interpersonal patterns that affect their sense of self and relationships. Concerns addressed by the group include deepening relationships, expressing feelings without alienating others, feeling more comfortable "in your own skin", learning to be more spontaneous, worrying less about judgement, increasing awareness of how others see you, and increasing resilience in relationships. Pre-group consultation required.