Grief and Loss Groups
Open to children and adolescents, this group provides participants with a safe place where they can identify, express and share their feelings regarding the death of a parent, sibling or other close loved one. After this kind of loss, a child's world may feel unfamiliar and unsafe. In addition to intense sadness, grieving children often struggle with issues of anger, guilt, fear, confusion and loss of control. Using a combination of discussion and activity based exercises, this group helps participants gain insight into the grieving process, learn positive coping skills, and connect with other grieving peers for mutual support.
Group Details
One Reservoir Office Park
Suite 306D
Southbury, CT 06488
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Socialization Groups
An adolescent's ability to establish and maintain friendships is an integral part of their growth and development. Children and teens who have difficulty forming friendships are vulnerable to isolation, bullying and despair. This group provides a new social network for participants who have poor social skills, are isolated or excluded, and lack positive peer connections. Within the supportive social environment of the group, participants learn social skills that will help them develop positive peer relatioships. Using group discussion and activity based exercises, participants develop a positive, healthy sense of self while learning how to genuinely connect with others.
Session Cost
Children Coping with Divorce
Divorce is an intensely stressful experience for all children, regardless of age or developmental level. The pain children experience is compounded by a sense of vulnerability and grief. During this time of sadness and change, children often feel alone as parents struggle with their own reactions to the divorce. This group helps participants identify and understand their feelings about their parents' divorce. They will learn positive coping skills to manage feelings of anger, sadness, loss, self-blame and conflicted loyalty. The group helps to decrease anxiety and worry about family circumstances and promote positive adjustment to changes within the family.