Godly Friends - Women's Group - Aug 2020
Do you feel alone! Are you lost in the wilderness? Are you seeking a friend? Friends remind us that we are not alone. Friendships help us along the journey of life. Friends encourage us when we are down. Friends help us when we labor. Friends wage war against the enemy alongside us—and when we’re at our weakest, they defend us. Friends help us to keep going when the going gets rough. Our friendships should matter deeply to us because they matter deeply to God. You are welcome. Let's do life together as Godly friends.
Group Details
500 Crawford Street
Houston, TX 77002
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Addictions Group - beginning August 2020
Reasons to consider group 1) provides an opportunity for other people to cheer you on and help you set and achieve goals toward your recovery. 2) Working in group therapy you may be challenged to abandon misleading myths that you are alone in your feelings and thoughts. It is likely that several people share your experience. 4) We work together with others at work and in our families. We all are built to learn and grow in the presence of others. Contact us whenever you are ready!
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Mr. & Mrs. Marriage Couples Gathering - June 2022
The Art of Marriage weaves together expert teaching, real-life stories, humorous vignettes, and more to portray both the challenges and the beauty of the Art of Marriage design. Won't you join us!