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Photo of Sydni O'Connell - Exerpsych, MS, CAGS
GIRLS Fall 6 Week Group Class
Hosted by: Sydni O'Connell - Exerpsych

GIRLS Fall 6 Week Group Class

Photo of Sydni O'Connell - Exerpsych, MS, CAGS
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today

Let's Connect (508) 978-1110
Photo of Sydni O'Connell - Exerpsych, MS, CAGS

Join us this fall in our dynamic studio space. First we move, then we hang out & chat. Testimonials: "It's a great way to move your body in more fun ways," "It's really fun and if something is on your mind, you can definitely talk it out and will walk out feeling happy."

Group Details


Exerpsych Studio

30 Hartford Street

Westwood, MA 02090

Email Sydni O'Connell - Exerpsych about this group or call - (508) 978-1110
Let's Connect (508) 978-1110
Photo of Sydni O'Connell - Exerpsych, MS, CAGS

Group Practice at a Glance

Exerpsych Studio

30 Hartford Street

Westwood, MA 02090


Exerpsych Studio

30 Hartford Street

Westwood, MA 02090