Girl Talk: Adolescent Support Group (girls 15-18)
Emphasis on bonding to provide support for specific environmental stressors as well as situations in individual girls' lives. We will be talking and doing artwork, brainstorming and other expressive activities that help us understand our experiences and how we want to be in the world. Emphasis on the elements needed for a trusting and comfortable relationships among girls within the group. Goals: Increase self-esteem, assertiveness and communication skills, awareness of healthy body image, cope with decision making around peer pressures, sex, alcohol and drug prevention, stress management, increased focus on educational goals, especially relating to personal interests.
Group Details
Highland Park, NJ 08904
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Adult Substance Abuse Recovery Group
A place to support unique recovery issues and goals while using mindfulness approach to thoughts, behaviors and relationship issues impacted by history of addiction. Support for reaching stability to addressing relapse concerns. Special consideration to women's issues, relationship and sexuality (including LGBQT) experiences and obstacles. A priority for inclusiveness of beliefs and experiences around spirituality to be shared: feelings of separateness / not identifying with a higher power to those that have built their spirituality around the use of 12 steps. Mindful approach to honestly and non-judgmentally relate to ourselves and others.