Free Virtual Postpartum Support
A virtual 6 week group for mother’s adjusting to the postpartum period. We will discuss and provide tools for transitioning to motherhood, managing symptoms of anxiety and depression, prioritizing self-care and stress management, and improving communication with partners and support systems. No Cost.
Group Details
Unfiltered Therapy
5152 Katella Avenue
Suite 205
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Prenatal and Postpartum Planning
An 8 week virtual group for expectant mothers. We will help prepare you for the transition into motherhood and provide tips and strategies to create a postpartum plan. We will cover topics related to mental health and wellness, changes in relationships, feeding choices, sleep hygiene, self-care, and establishing a support system.
Session Cost
Beyond Postpartum
The difficulties we experience as mothers can extend past the postpartum period. We are often burdened by the past, and can become triggered when the past clashes with the difficulties of motherhood. Learn the tools to cope more effectively and help you thrive in motherhood. An 8 week group for women in all stages of motherhood.