Forming Supervision Group
Mutual support and learning through interactive discussions. Particularly helpful for beginning to intermediate skill level group practitioners. Yalom's principles of IPGT (interpersonal group therapy) and Milton Erickson's "observations" will also help guide discussion.
Group Details
Private Office
8 Gordon Court
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Session Cost
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Interpersonal Group Therapy
I believe strongly in the power of interpersonal group therapy. Since psychiatric symptoms impact relationships and relationship problems contribute to psychiatric symptoms, group therapy is an extremely effective and underutilized form of treatment to address these issues. Interpersonal group therapy facilitated by an experienced and skilled group therapist can help to address interpersonal coping patterns and self esteem deficits in a supportive environment with group members working on similar problems. Group provides an arena to better understand your strengths and weakness, to practice coping with interpersonal stress, to increase assertiveness and boundaries, and to realize more satisfying intimate relationships.