Feeling Good In My Shoes:If the Shoes fit wear It!
Feeling Good in my Shoes is a Women Empowering Women Group, designed with you in mind.
Group Details
L&L Life Enrichment Services
125 Liberty Street
Springfield, MA 01103
Session Cost
Group Meets
L&L Life Enrichment Services
125 Liberty Street
Springfield, MA 01103
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My Other Groups
Mental Health Groups for Teens and Adults
The power of the group setting provides a tremendous opportunity for participants to positively connect with and support other members of his or her group. Group therapy allows participants to better learn healthy coping mechanisms and self-regulation skills, as well as develop interpersonal skills that lead to overall healthier relationships. We offer a number of Mental Health Groups including: Dialectic Behavior Therapy for Teens. Depression Groups for teens and adults
Types of Therapy
Anxiety: In Today's New Normal
This group aims to help clients identify signs and symptoms associated with anxiety in today's new normal. Clients will learn key elements that will aid them in identifying symptoms, triggers, and emotions associated with anxiety. This 10 session group will incorporate educational sessions with interactive activities to enable clients to cope with anxiety in today's new normal.