Expressive Arts DBT-Informed Self Esteem Support
Expressive Arts Support Group for young adults ages 21 to 30 located in the state of Washington. There are 8 open spots for this opportunity. On February 24th no new applications for the group will be accepted. What: This is an online 6-week DBT-informed expressive art group aimed at enhancing participants personal growth and self-esteem. Creating a healthy group dynamic is really important to us and the screening calls are to benefit individuals as well as the group environment. Form:
Group Details
Seattle, WA 98108
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Improv for Leadership & Management Skills
This support group is for people navigating building soft skills for work. We'll use play, games, movement, space, and sound to create new ways of being together. This group is great for adults who want to learn social games together. The group is co-facilitated by a play therapist and a drama therapist. We aim to make the group, fun, supportive, and add a lil whimsy to your week.
Session Cost
Parenting & Technology: Parenting Tech Zombies
Are you a parent who is feeling lost, alone, trying to support your child in a healthy relationship with technology? Are you concerned that any attempts that you make to get your child off of their screens will lead to conflict in your relationship? Partner alongside parents in practical techniques & perspectives that can provide clarity on how to help your child find balance & structure within their technology use. This workshop will be held weekly on Thursdays from 12pm-2pm. 8/1 we are offering a free workshop appetizer on 7/26 from 12pm-1pm for the early bird.