Enrichment groups

Enrichment groups are for couples who want to learn how to handle love and stay connected even in difficult situations. The material is based on sound doctrine and research that has been proven successful with enhancing our awareness of ourselves and others, regulating emotions, managing stress, as well as improving communication. Couples will address a broad variety of situations that impinge on their relationship. This group offers thoughtful and practical ideas and exercises in order to manage conflict, uncover more peace, intimacy, and validation in the relationship. Please call our office for details.
Group Details
#4 Shackelford Plaza
Little Rock, AR 72211
Session Cost

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Marriage Mentoring

Our Marriage Mentoring program is an opportunity for couples to be mentored by a trained mentor couple utilizing a structured marital outline. Whether a couple is newlywed or entering a new stage of marriage, our Marriage Mentoring program is a simple, encouraging way to strengthen marriages. Mentoring couples are trained to mentor premarital and married couples with different relationship challenges. To become a marriage mentor requires attending an orientation and training. To become a mentee the couple must not be in a crisis and normally placed with mentoring couple once stabilized. Call for more information.