Eating Disorder Process Group
This is a process group for folks recovering from eating disorders/disordered eating. Participants will have the opportunity to process their experience with recovery and work towards healing their relationship with food and their body in a supportive group environment. Participants can expect to leave group with effective skills & coping mechanisms, greater education and understanding of disordered eating and its causes, and a deepened sense of self-compassion. This group is firmly rooted in Health at Every Size and fat liberation practices and beliefs. The group will run in eight week cycles with the option to re-enroll.
Group Details
New York, NY 10036
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Living with Chronic Illness Support Group
This is a group for folks who live with chronic illness. Participants will co-create a mutual support space to share their experience, explore the personal and societal forces that lead to body oppression, and empower each other in the process of making peace with one's body. *Group meets virtually via Teletherapy. GROUP INTEREST FORM LINK:
Session Cost
No Contact: A Support Group for Estranged Children
This closed support group for adult children who are estranged from their parent/caregiver offers a supportive and affirming community space where members will be empowered to openly share their experiences with estrangement and parental abuse/trauma that preceded. We will sit with folks as they process things like parental abuse (financial, sexual, physical, mental, emotional, narcissistic and beyond) and exploitation, and explore a variety of related topics such as support systems, coping, post traumatic guilt, self-worth and compassion, trust, and grief.