Early Recovery Substanc Use Group
This is a newly forming group. During the national emergency, the group will be held via teletherapy. Once we are able to assembly in groups larger than 5, It will move to my office in Watertown. This will be a mixed, open group for people in early recovery from substance use. It will use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectic Behavioral Therapy components to support the recovery process. Please call for more specific information 203-430-0315
Group Details
621 Main Street
2nd Floor
Watertown, CT 06795
My Other Groups
Wkly DBT Skills training group beginning 10/19
Weekly skills training group to learn, practice and master the skills of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy which has been proven to be effective treatment for anxiety, depression, personality conflicts and early recovery of substance use disorders. Group is currently being offered online and will return to my location once the national emergency has resolved. Please call or email me with questions and interest. Clients are encouraged to be in individual therapy to support use of the skills in a more specific manner.