Duluth Model for Batterer Intervention

The Duluth Model encourages clients to think about behavioral patterns that may lead them into domestically violent situations. We will use cognitive models, learn anger triggers, and explore ways that clients can cope with anger and frustration in a better way to help de-escalate conflict in their relationships.
Group Details
Visionary Mental Health Services, LLC
1709 N Lincoln Ave Suite #102
Suite #8
Pierre, SD 57501
Types of Therapy

Visionary Mental Health Services, LLC
1709 N Lincoln Ave Suite #102
Suite #8
Pierre, SD 57501
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Moral Reconation Therapy for Domestic Violence

MRT DV is a cognitive behavioral program geared towards assisting clients identify negative patterns of behavior that lead to engaging in violence in their home. The curriculum discusses healthy ways to identify anger triggers, learn how to manage stress and difficult emotions and find healthy ways to cope with those feelings.