Domestic Violence Group
ICT offers domestic violence perpetrator groups for both men and women (separate groups for each gender). These groups fulfill criteria for the State of Utah and are offered to those who are Court-ordered as well as voluntary clients. Group members will learn how to recognize their emotions in order to address it before it becomes violence. Group members support each other through this difficult process, as well as learn to constructively address situations without violence.
Group Details
Institute for Cognitive Therapy
879 S Orem Blvd
Suite 1
Orem, UT 84058
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
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Substance Abuse Group
ICT offers substance abuse groups for both adolescents and adults (separate groups). Cognitive behavioral therapy tries to identify and change negative thinking patterns and pushes for positive behavioral changes. Our substance abuse groups are for those that are Court-ordered or choosing to seek help voluntarily.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
DBT Group
Our DBT Skills group is made for those seeking to learn to better control their emotions and reactions. DBT therapy was originally developed by Marsha Linehan, PhD to treat Borderline Personality Disorder, but has been adapted for other mental health problems that threaten a person's safety, relationships, work, and emotional well-being. DBT teaches emotional and cognitive regulation by learning about the triggers that lead to reactive states and helping to assess which coping skills to apply in the sequence of events, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to help avoid undesired reactions.