Domestic Violence group.
Domestic violence group is a group which involves several individuals and /or families discussing domestic violence concerns, and receives feedback from the psychologist This group is a psycho-educational group which is facilitated by a psychologist.
Group Details
Maplewood, NJ 07040
Session Cost
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Types of Therapy
Maplewood, NJ 07040
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My Other Groups
Anger management group . .
These groups are facilitated by professionals with many years of educational attainments in the field of counseling/ psychology . Upon completion of the anger management group sessions, a certificate will be issued . These certificates are accepted in any court system. nationally and internationally.
Session Cost
Clitorecttomy groups for women without orgasms .
This group is focused on women who were violated and their clitoris hood were removed during surgery in Nigeria and numerous countries in the world. It’s a group for clitorectomy survivors . We need to encourage the discussion about female clitorectomy and associated dysfunctions and violence against women who are responsible , intelligent and knowledgeable professionals. We need to have a discussion and come to grips with the reality because of numerous illnesses associated with emotional and physical violence against women and children. The painful outbursts of women who are emotionally and physically abused because of “ clitorectomy “ is very troubling and traumatic, but preventable.