Divorced, Coping and Thriving
We have a great, interactive group of adults working on all aspects of divorce and relationship termination. and adult children of divorced families. Are you recently divorced or separated and find yourself alone with a new set of problems? Or are you continually struggling with old and new arising issues? Loneliness, fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and co-parenting problems are common after the dust settles. This group will help you and your other family member to make the necessary adjustments in a clear and simplified way. * Three people needed to start a group. Please pass the word. New members welcomed!
Group Details
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Social Skills Group for Adults/Teens with Asperge
FINALLY a social skills group where high functioning 18 years and older Aspergers can learn & practice! Small group setting allows for individual attention. Approximately 60 minutes. Lo-cost. Fees $50. or less, based on number of participants. DAY & TIME TBD. Questions? Please call 949-716-5150 ext.3 NEED THREE PEOPLE TO START. PLEASE PASS THE WORD!