Discover Your Values
In the values exploration group, we explore our own values, discover what drives us, and discuss/process how these show up in and impact our lives internally and externally in relationships. The group is facilitated by an Expressive Arts / Eco Therapist; therefore, multiple modalities may be used in each group session, including pair, group, and individual exercises, and always having in-circle verbal processing time together to open and close each session. Group runs when 4 or more participants commit to the 6-session hybrid series occurring every other week for 12 weeks. Next Series is in February-April 2025
Group Details
Virtual - Zoom
Bothell, WA 98011
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Expressive Dream Exploration
In this group, we spend our time witnessing 1-2 participants dreams per session. We explore dream content through an expressive arts lens, seeking a deeper understanding of the dream content as dreamer and witness. We work to integrate the dream's messages or meaning in our waking life. Participants often experience connections personally as witness and take away rich insights from their own dream exploration. Examples of expressive exercises include guided meditation, dream re-entry, dream re-enactment as a group, dream content-based poetry or art creation, character or role exploration, and more. Limited to 7 participants.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Embodiment through Tarot
Explore mindful, compassionate, safe, willing, and expressive embodiment. In this workshop, you will learn how to navigate thoughts, beliefs, and emotions through quiet centering and exploring selected tarot cards, and through reflection, sharing, and movement. You’ll be able to explore the unexplored or avoided parts of you and take the time to integrate all of that learning. Join us in this supportive, immersive space on the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month to deepen your self-connection and insight. TO REGISTER: Please visit EventBrite to purchase a ticket: Standard cost is $50 (sliding scale options).