Dialectical Behavior Therapy Psychoeducation Group
A basic introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is a form of psychotherapy that was originally conceptualized by Marsha M. Linehan. DBT combines standard cognitive-behavioral techniques for emotion regulation and reality-testing with concepts of distress tolerance, acceptance, and mindful awareness derived from Buddhist meditative practice.A common theory supporting DBT is that we began forming inaccurate beliefs about the past, unrealistic expectations about the present, and unattainable desires for the future; which results in emotional distress and inappropriate behaviors. DBT is a skills-based approach that teaches group members how to better manage overwhelming emotions, impulsivity, and life.
Group Details
Lafayette Circle
Lafayette, CA 94549
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Wise Women
A group for the aging woman. Group topics focus on life transitions, aging, relationships with adult children, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, empowerment, health psychology issues, sexuality
Anger and Masculinity for Teens
Feeling angry and cannot understand why? Feeling misunderstood? Unheard? Are others telling you that you get angry easily? Unable to fit in or make friends? Unable to talk with others about how you feel? Perhaps you could benefit from participating in a group for teenage self identified male. Come be part of a group that emphasizes support through addressing issues of anger, depression, self-esteem, fitting in a group, &anxiety. Receive psychoeducation and safe, new strategies for coping with anger. The meetings are led by Dr. N Joseph, who is skilled in working with teens experiencing stressors and life transitions. Some Saturday groups available seasonally.