De-Stress Workshop/Group for Teens 13-18 years

De-Stress Workshop: Starts October 15th! 6 week series Mindful Practices for Teens (Incorporating Somatic Experiencing, Meditation, and Experiential Exercises) Struggling in school? Problems in relationships? Lacking confidence? Somatic Experiencing is a mind/body approach that helps regulate the nervous system when it feels overwhelmed. As Somatic Experiencing Practitioners, we will draw on this model; incorporate mindfulness and relaxation skills to help you identify internal resources to calm your nervous system. You will learn effective tools that you can use to de-stress! Call for details. Contact: Angie Robinson Giuffra (914) 320-2229 or Lynn Bourbeau at (917) 596-4950.
Group Details
Scarsdale New York
Starts October 15th!
$275 For All 6 Sessions!
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Group Meets

Scarsdale New York
Starts October 15th!
$275 For All 6 Sessions!
Scarsdale, NY 10583
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De-Stress Workshop for Teens/Young Adults

Ease into Summer A Workshop for Teens and Young Adults To De-Stress (incorporating Somatic Experiencing, Mindfulness and Relaxation) Led By Angie Robinson Giuffra, LCSWR, BCD Adolescent/Young Adult Specialist Rev. Lynn Bourbeau, Somatic Experiencing Trainer Experiencing Anxiety? Challenges in Relationships? Educational or Job Path Unclear? Difficulty finding a job? Not feeling as confident as you would like to? Not feeling like yourself ?