Creating a New Career Workshop
This small group workshop is for individuals who want a more satisfying and rewarding career. An interest inventory, group activities, readings, and self-assessment exercises are used to explore and clarify interests, abilities, values, lifestyle, goals, and the world of work. This workshop helps participants clarify their career goals, make decisions and plan for the future. More information at creating new career workshop page.
Group Details
Wilmington, DE 19803
Session Cost
Wilmington, DE 19803
My Other Groups
Stress Reduction Workshop
With many of us living and working at a hectic 24/7 pace, stress has become an inevitable part of our lives, robbing us of energy and leaving us feeling anxious and depleted. "Breath, Meditation and Mindfulness: A Powerful Approach to Stress Reduction" is a workshop held yearly in late April/early May and teaches stress reduction through breath, meditation, and mindfulness practices. Participants learn how to begin letting go of worry and over-thinking and restore emotional and physical balance. More information at stress reduction workshop page.
Session Cost
The Basics of Mindfulness Workshop
In this two hour workshop participants learn about mindfulness and are also guided through the actual practice of mindfulness meditation and other exercises. Participants learn how to practice mindfulness at home and how to begin weaving this approach into daily life. This workshop is appropriate for those with little or no prior experience with mindfulness and can also be a refresher for those with some mindfulness experience. More info and register at on the Workshops page.