Conquering Panic Disorder

When three or more people with panic disorder are willing to meet, we will learn about mindfulness and self-hypnosis. The group will practice relevant skills, log their home-based practice and outcomes, share and problem solve using group wisdom. The group will also use group time for audio-assisted practice and discussion.
Group Details
JR Casey Counseling & Hypnosis
1378 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01603
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy

JR Casey Counseling & Hypnosis
1378 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01603
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Working Through Anxieties...

Once three or more persons contact me, this group will focus on individual's skills to practice in order to sense early signs of anxiety in the body; to master behaviors targeting early signs in order to minimize/eliminate them; mild, physical movements to strengthen one's sense of control over one's body; and to find the "good enough" words each member can choose to use to communicate their anxiety challenge(s). Framework: CBT or hypnotherapy.