College Readiness Seminar
Leaving the Nest: Surviving and Thriving in College A to Z is a 90-minute seminar for teens and their parent designed to help answer questions and relieve anxiety related to the adjustment out of the family home and into college life. Participants will walk away feeling more prepared and confident about this big life transition. This seminar is offered twice per year and can also be modified as a 60-minute private seminar upon request; contact Sarah directly to schedule. See website for details on the May 7, 2024 date:
Group Details
Sentier Psychotherapy
670 Cleveland Ave S
Above Highgrove Dental
Saint Paul, MN 55116
Session Cost
Sentier Psychotherapy
670 Cleveland Ave S
Above Highgrove Dental
Saint Paul, MN 55116
Email me
My Other Groups
Teen Calm anxiety group (ages 12-18)
Teen Calm is a group for adolescents that explores various types of anxiety, the way we feel it in our bodies, and the brain science behind it. Group members will build skills to decrease the overall impact of the stress and anxiety they experience and learn how to prevent it from taking over. Sarah will use a combination of mindfulness, breathing exercises, movement, writing, biofeedback, exposure, and cognitive behavioral techniques to bring about calm and build confidence. This 6-week group is offered quarterly. Screening required. Sliding fee available.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Therapeutic Art Workshops
Creativity is good for the brain! Slow down and let your hands take their time to create and process through art. Please note: These workshops are led by an artist, not a mental health provider. Zine-making workshops include an optional brainstorm and writing session followed by a brief demonstration of the one-page zine making technique. Snacks provided. The theme and age range for the workshops changes from month to month. Please see website for specific information: