Clincal Supervision for Professional Counselors

Patricia Gonzalez, LPC offers individual and group clinical supervision toward licensure, in-person and on-line (where accepted). She offers therapists a nurturing place to receive insights that supports the normalization of their challenges and promotes the development of strategies for clinical practice. She is experienced in teaching professionals how to interweave their cross-training experiences in a manner that supports the development of harmonious professional frameworks.
Group Details
Spectra/Moringa Institute
390 Reed Road FL 1
Broomall, PA 19008
Session Cost

My Other Groups
Clinical Supervision for Social Workers

Join us for weekly supervision group for social workers seeking clinical licensure. Maleita Olson, LCSW brings 12 years of clinical supervision experience to guiding those seeking master's level supervision to gain knowledge, skills and confidence as emerging professionals. As such, therapists gain a deeper understanding of how to adapt to individuals’ specialized needs and advance their person-centered approach. Grounded a strength-based approach, our supervision groups support therapists’ abilities to practice what they preach so they can nurture their resilience and enhance their self-awareness as they emerge as independent licensed professionals.