Chronic Pain Anxiety Mind Body
Mind body psychotherapy group forming for people dealing with chronic pain and anxiety. Group includes introduction of mind body movement skills related to managing anxiety. Also it involves process of learning skills to manage anxiety related to chronic pain, and gain support between group members in coping. Instructor has background 18 years as a Feldenkrais practitioner with people with chronic pain as well as mind body psychotherapies related to pain and early trauma.
Group Details
2950 Camino Diablo
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
My Other Groups
Asian American Women's Group
This is a group for Asian American women seeking to empower their voice, deal with experiences of racism and injustice, and address anxiety and emotions. We work as a group to support, hold space to witness and understand intergenerational family and social dynamics, struggles around belonging. Group therapy has been shown to be just as effective as individual therapy in some areas, particularly around issues that have arisen in group dynamics. Let's work together to process and heal.