Christian 12 step therapy group
New group forming for working 12 steps in group therapy setting. Focus will be on 12 steps and individual growth work including co-dependency, family of origin, core beliefs and self awareness.
Group Details
711 Bay area Blvd
Webster, TX 77598
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Womens Betrayal Trauma & Healing Group
Group: For women who have been hurt in relationships with men who are/ have been involved in pornography, adultery, or sexual addiction. 16-Weekly Sessions WED. 5:30-7 pm. Facilitated by a sex addiction specialist and licensed counselor with 17 years experience with this subject . Connect with women as you work through and process healing the pain resulting from the impact of the sex addiction, the associated chronic patterns of sexual acting out, emotional abuse, deception, betrayal, fear, anxiety, and other sex-addiction induced perpetration. Cost for group will be $45 per session Contact me at or call 940-391-4309.