Child-Parent Relationship Training

Designed for parents who feel they have lost control as a parent, and for those who are worried about their kids' emotions or behaviors. In just 10 sessions, parents will learn to manage their children’s behavior successfully, and will also discover the keys to enhancing and strengthening the parent-child bond and as a result have more fun with their children. This play-based approach will teach skills and techniques proven effective for helping parents communicate with and discipline their children more effectively. Email or call to learn more about how this program can help you and your child!
Group Details
1145 Sheridan Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30324

My Other Groups
Play & Filial Supervision Group

I currently have openings for individual, dyadic, and group supervision. Both dyadic and group supervision will be offered bimonthly for 1 hour, with the opportunity to discuss a 1.5 hour group if desired, and scheduling will depend on group preferences. Supervision will focus on play and filial therapy skills for children and teens, the person of the therapist, and practice development, and will be adapted to meet the needs and goals of the group.