Child Parent Relationship Therapy - September 9
This 10-week group will teach parents the basics of Play therapy. It is perfect for any parent that wishes to improve their relationship with their children, improve problem behavior, help children recover from upsetting events or situations, and more! Barbara Bronson and I co-lead this class. It is held in person in Orem and on Zoom. Contact us for details. Our next group starts April 15th, you won't want to miss it!
Group Details
Innsaei Child & Family Therapy
264 West Center St
Orem, UT 84057
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Playful Connections - Date TBD
A mini workshop designed to deepen the bonds within families through the transformative power of play. Some of the many insights you will learn include: The value of play and ways it can benefit children and families, how parents can build better relationships with their children through play, ways to build children's emotional awareness, using co-regulation to help with emotional regulation, very effective ways to set limits that doesn't cause shame or damage the relationship, using choices to prevent power struggles and teach children self-control and self-responsibility, and building self-esteem through empowerment. Zoom Available!