Book Club

Join a supportive book club where we read a book designed for self-growth and discovery, where we will meet together and discuss insights gathered from the readings, reflect on what we've learned about ourselves in acknowledging these insights, how it has impacted our interpretations or perceptions on our personal situations and the growth that will come forth.
Group Details
Neptune Beach, FL 32266

My Other Groups
2021 Mindful Meditation on the Beach Classes

Classes are seasonal and the 2021 calendar of classes are being developed. We're celebrating year 7 of MMB! Join us in the evenings as we practice being in the present moment together along the shore, focusing on our breath. Meditation includes progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery for improving self-awareness and relax our minds to relieve stress, anytime, anywhere. $10 per class. Great for beginners. Webpage:; FB and IG: @stormyseascounselor