"Beyond Grief" online community
This online community meets every Monday at 1 p.m. for one hour and at night as well from 7:30-9. We discuss loss, Big Love and Big Emotions. In the grief group context there is healing, witnessing and an opportunity to find connection with others, where connection may be lost due the trauma of this huge change in your life: the loss of your loved one. This is a monthly fee of $79 and your commitment renews monthly. This is not billable to insurance but an education and connection community of bereaved souls coming together for support.
Group Details
Elevate Counseling Services
Lakeville, MA 02347
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Retreat Into Greater Self Love ( with e-book)
This is a 30 day challenge, complete with e-book written by Leigh-Ann, to go deeper into self love. During 4 online meetings we discuss meaning making, culture and biases against self love. We explore social media, social constructs, barriers and blessings to self love. This group heavily utilizes mediation, journaling and discussing around energy work including chakras and tapping for healing. Graduates have the opportunity to build ongoing cohorts with other alum interested in building writing and/or meditation practices designed for deeper experiential self-knowledge, self-compassion and growth.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Home Coming Retreat: Science & Spirituality Meet
Come to Costa Rica on October 20th - 25th 2024. Retreat spots start at $4,444.00 to learn more explore www.imiloa.hporta.com or join our eventbrite zoom call on June 21st, 2024.