Become The Less Stressed New Mom
Being a new mom can be isolating, scary, overwhelming, exhausting and stressful. This group can provide you with support and resources that give you a path towards a more rewarding motherhood journey. A safe space to feel, express and be validated because motherhood is hard . Bi-weekly group for moms with children one year old or younger.
Group Details
Telehealth option
585 Stewart Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
Session Cost
Telehealth option
585 Stewart Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
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Moms Supporting Moms...through the teenage years
The teenage years can be challenging. As parents things sometimes feel impossible. How do we keep our teens safe, but not helicopter? How do we hold them tight while encouraging independence? Let's support each other through these unique and formative years and learn effective ways to cope and parent.