Athletes/Performers Managing Performance Anxiety
This group will be both didactic and experiential. We will address both thinking and body-sensation aspects of performance anxiety, across contexts - including but not limited to: sports, school, and social-life. Reach out if interested; if we reach a critical mass of high school athletes (or other performers) or college athletes (or other performers), we will launch the group.
Group Details
PEAK Custom Fitness Solutions
2152 Renard Court
Annapolis, MD 21401
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
High Achieving Men Optimizing Relationships
I have been considering launching a group named High Achieving Men Optimizing Relationships. If enough interest is generated, we will launch. I'll facilitate productive discussion among a group that is carefully selected. I would be open to launching many other kinds of groups too, if people reach out indicating interest. Performance Anxiety? Student-Athletes? Mind-Body? Reach out, and maybe we can make it happen.
Session Cost
High Achieving Women Optimizing Relationships
I love working with women, especially those interested in optimizing/balancing achievement and their relationships. If there is enough interest in this group, with the right group of people - we will launch! And, if folks would like another woman in the facilitator role, I will line up a good colleague to co-lead.