Anger management/ T.I.M.E Program
This program assists participants to gain a clearer understanding of emotions, thought processes, and how to more effectively control behavior. The group is educational in nature and based on cognitive and emotional development. It is conducted over a six-week period. This teaching method includes lectures, discussions, activities, and various assignments and encourages group interaction. Topics covered include Value Clarification, Understanding Emotions, How Your Emotions Affect Other People, Styles of Interaction, Techniques of Handling Anger, Communication Skills, Motivation, and the Desire to Change. It is a cognitive approach that assists participants to change Negative or self-defeating thought patterns.
Group Details
Hazleton, PA 18201
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Co-parenting and parenting are offered as a group or individually. Co-parenting is designed for parents who are separated, divorced, or have children together but are not in a relationship. We provide you with the tools and resources you need. These sessions provide you with a safe and collaborative space to discuss and plan together. Our parenting sessions allow you to refine your parenting skills, and learn techniques to ensure both you and your children's wellness. We will provide you with the skills, tools, and resources you need for success. Parenting can be done individually or a couple.