Anger Management

Looking for referrals for process oriented, educational open group on Mondays at 6:30pm. Helping individuals understand, control and giving them tools to manage their anger. The revolving curricular allows members to enter our group at any time and exposes them to individuals that they can learn from as well as lend insight to.
Group Details
568 Bay Street
Staten Island, NY 10304
Session Cost
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
Duluth Batterers Accountability Program

Batterers Accountability program certified by the Duluth Model out of Indiana. This program's mission is to establish a coordinated community response to Domestic Violence which is a huge issue in society to say the least. Group facilitator Jermaine Hill is currently in discussion with various government agencies to provide an alternative to legal issues, as well as a platform for change, to Domestic Violence offenders.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Parenting En Espanol, English and Arabic.

Our parent education curriculum reduces the risk of child abuse, mistreatment and neglect by encouraging positive parenting practices that promote safety, well-being, and permanency for children and families in our community. We now offer this class in 3 different languages.