Anger Management

This is a combined support and education group. Tweens and teens are welcome. Participants will learn various anger management skills. Moreover, you will find support in being with other members who have the same concern - how to control their anger. Role plays and other creative teaching skills will be utilized to help individuals and group participants to learn to use new strategies and techniques to manage anger.
Group Details
Spectrum Office Centre
175 Olde Half Day Rd
Suite 103
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
Relapse Prevention

This is a support and education group for parents of tweens/teens with substance abuse issues. One focus will be on how to identify the warning signs of beginning use of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. The second objective will detail how to recognize dangerous signals of relapse as well as educating parents on how to help their tweens and teens, when they do relapse.