Anger Management Group or Workshop
You may have had an argument with your boss or your spouse. Maybe you are having trouble with your children or dealing with other problems. Whatever your situation, you've been holding in the problems for so long that when an ordinary annoyance happens, like getting a flat tire, all your frustration comes boiling out. Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion but it's important to deal with it in a positive way. Uncontrolled anger can take a toll on both your health and your relationships. We provide Anger Management Individual Counseling and 8-hour Anger Management Workshop.
Group Details
My Whole Health Life, LLC
6965 Piazza Grande Ave
Suite 412
Orlando, FL 32835
Session Cost
My Other Groups
Anger Management for Teens and Children
Helping Children Learn Anger Management. Although children need to know that anger is a natural, healthy emotion, they also need to learn that like other emotions - love, sadness, joy - anger needs to be expressed appropriately. The steps in helping your children learn to manage their anger are the same as the steps for adults.