Anger Management Classes

Is anger hurting your relationships? Has anger caused issues with your ability to function on the job? Has your anger gotten you into some trouble? Learn how to manage these issues in our Anger Management Classes. We provide a nonjudgemental setting where you can learn how to avoid being triggered. You will learn how to identify, communicate and bury old habits. If you have been COURT ORDERED, we provide Anger Management Classes for court-ordered clients (Group $35; Individual Sessions $60 per session). ***Class registration fee is $25.
Group Details
Aspire Counseling & Consulting Services
1955 Rideout Dr NW
Ste 400
Huntsville, AL 35806
Session Cost
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Aspire Counseling & Consulting Services
1955 Rideout Dr NW
Ste 400
Huntsville, AL 35806
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Domestic Violence Classes

Has a Domestic Violence Situation gotten you into trouble? Has your anger caused you to act outside of whom you know you truly are? In our Domestic Violence Groups, we intensively work with you to support you with taking accountability, understanding how to control both your thoughts, impulses, and anger. We support you with conflict resolution skills that will help you change the game to build back relationships and learn to trust and love again. Our Domestic Violence classes require 16 mandatory sessions. If you are Court Appointed, we offer Certificates. (Individual Sessions $60 per session)