Advanced DBT Process Group (on hold)
This is an Advanced DBT Skills group tailored for graduates of standard DBT Skills Training Group that would like to further develop their DBT Skills. The purpose of Advanced DBT Skills Group is: to develop a deeper understanding and mastery of DBT skills in a process and life application format. Effort is directed towards generalization of skills learned and application of DBT-strategies to daily living situations. This group maintains a focus on relapse-prevention and features a process-oriented format. The group will cap at 4 clients and is open, new members may start whenever there is an opening.
Group Details
8700 Manchaca Rd
Ste 306
Austin, TX 78748
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
DBT Skills Training Group (on hold)
This group consists of weekly DBT skills training to help clients learn and apply new coping skills to everyday life. This is a standard weekly DBT skills group. Group will cover the 4 modules of DBT skills (mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness) over the course of 6 months and incorporate DBT-SUD concepts as appropriate based on the clients’ individual needs. The group will cap at 4 clients and is closed, new members must start in between modules. The full curriculum will repeat after 6 mos.