Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse Support Group
Join this group for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. This supportive, non-judgmental space is an incredible get together of courageous people that promotes healing. The friendly and supportive peer interactions can reverse the isolating effects of trauma. No previous therapy required to join. This virtual group will meet weekly and can help you connect with others that share similar experiences. $100 per week. Please call for more details.
Group Details
Virtual Group
Garden State Drive
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Trauma Survivors and Their Relationships
This is a group co-led by myself and another trauma expert, Grace Nuzzi-Chabot. We will facilitate a safe environment to discuss the unique struggles trauma survivors often have in relationships. This will be a place for trauma survivors to connect with one another and break free of the debilitating shame associated with trauma. Relevant discussions and topics will be covered in this group including trust, coping, dealing with big emotions, intimacy, self-esteem, triggers, and others.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Partners of Sexual Abuse Survivors Peer Support
Having a partner suffer from childhood sexual abuse can be challenging. Figuring out how to navigate these relationship dynamics can leave someone confused. Join this virtual group to engage in a safe environment to receive peer support. You will be able to talk with other partners and family members of survivors of sexual abuse and trauma. You will understand what makes your loved one tick and how that impacts you. Learn to address healthy ways to talk about sex and intimacy challenges when a spouse has been previously hurt. Support your loved one while focusing on your own self care. Group is on break.