Adoptive/Foster Parent Support Group

Calm and Connected Parenting is where adoptive/foster parents can come to learn the “why” about their children’s behaviors, the Biblical way to parent based on what we know scientifically about trauma and receive community support so you are not “going it alone.” This group is led by an experienced adoptive parent and therapist. SWAN funds are available. Each week a different topic is explored on how to parent and support children who were adopted or in foster care.
Group Details
Wheatland Presbyterian Church
1125 Columbia Ave
Lancaster, PA 17601
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
DBT Skills group for Adults September -Nov 2023

This group will focus on emotional regulation skills based off of Dialetical Behavior Therapy Techniques Eligible Participants include adults 18+ and out of high school. The focus of the group is managing “Big Feelings” so the feelings don’t manage them. Participants will come away with a tool box of skills to use when emotions take charge. The group is appropriate for those who struggle with anxiety, depression, self-harm, anger, and other emotional dysregulation. Total cost of the group is $650 for 10 weeks and intake $75.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Parents of Children with Mental Health Challenges

Parenting kids with mental health challenges is the ultimate test of patience and strength. But hey, you're not alone! Our support group is a cozy community of parents in the same boat as you. No judgments arournd here! Share your experiences, let go of a few burdens, and soak up some much needed encouragement. Our experienced therapist leads the charge, helping you find the support you need to keep being the parent you always wanted to be.