55+ Support Group
This support group is for retirees 55+ years old. It provides a fun environment to discussed the challenges of mid/later living. This group offers insight and psycho-education into the aging process and how our identity shifts with each life chapter. We welcome new members with warmth! Thursdays @ 1pm - 2:15pm.
Group Details
Clarity Health Solutions
2055 Military Trail
Suite 306
Jupiter, FL 33458
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
Clarity Health Solutions
2055 Military Trail
Suite 306
Jupiter, FL 33458
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First Responders Only
First Responders come to therapy with a unique set of needs. We understand the pros and cons to joining a group with other first responders and we are sensitive to your confidentiality, concerns and we are here to help you process through the traumas and complicated dynamics of these professions. We work on building trust, processing grief and reducing the difficulties with dealing with past, current or future PTSD symptoms.