12 Step Group
Let's Connect (703) 386-7818
Join us to go into a deep exploration of the 12 steps. Members of all 12 step programs are compatible with this group. We will meet weekly online in a supportive environment. This group meets online.
Group Details
Haymarket, VA 20169
Group Meets
Every Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
Email Judy Watta about this group or call - (703) 386-7818
Let's Connect (703) 386-7818
My Other Groups
Caregivers Support Group
Join us for a supportive group session to discuss how caregiving has affected you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. This group meets online.
Email Judy Watta about this group or call - (703) 386-7818
Gratitude Group
Even in the darkest nights, there are stars, the call of a night owl, and the rustle of the wind. Join us for a weekly session to focus on what you are grateful for. This group meets online.
Email Judy Watta about this group or call - (703) 386-7818