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Mirsad Serdarevic Ph.D.


Mirsad Serdarevic, Ph.D., lives in Carlsbad, California, and currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and is an attending pain psychologist at the UCSD School of Medicine. Previously he served as an Associate Professor at the San Diego campus of TCSPP, an Assistant Director of Operations, and Senior Staff Psychologist at the Counseling and Psychological Services at one of the University of California campuses. Also, Serdarevic served as a Special Fellow in Advanced Geriatrics at the Palo Alto Veteran Affairs Medical Center in Palo Alto, California, and as an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Health Behavior at the Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine of the Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia. Serdarevic is a graduate of the University of California. He received his M.A. in Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University, and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Oregon. After completing a clinical internship at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, he spent a year as a visiting faculty at the International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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