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Shelter-in-Place but Keep Up the Pace

Ways to stay fit and focused in a socially-distanced world.

In the midst of this daunting pandemic, we are confronted with mandatory social distancing and isolation from friends, family, community, and daily activities. The recent closing of gyms, health clubs, dance studios, and other athletic facilities has left us with an additional void in our fitness regimens. We need these outlets to bolster both our physical and emotional health so it’s imperative to find ways to maintain our workout routines. Now is the time to get creative and think out of the box!

Virtual Reality Check

Fortunately, there are several solutions right at your fingertips. This is a time when the advantages of social media have become particularly apparent. The virtual world has become our primary mechanism for staying connected to others. There are a wide variety of free online classes and videos offered by gyms, yoga, and pilates studios, as well as professional dancers. This is ideal for those of us who crave structure and directed activities in order to remain motivated. It’s also a chance to try something new and not feel intimidated. Even better, you can take these classes in the comfort of your own home in your PJs!

Source: theformfitness/Pexels
Woman practicing ballet at home.
Source: theformfitness/Pexels

Be Your Own Best Friend

If you prefer solo workouts, such as running, walking, or biking, the option to head outdoors is still available for most of us at the moment. Cabin fever may set in quickly when we try to maintain self-isolation for long periods of time. It’s imperative to keep our cardiovascular system in peak condition and getting some fresh air each day is a welcome outlet. As you learn to enjoy your own company, you will feel fulfilled and energized while engaging in these independent activities. The absence of crowds is another boost to having the freedom and ample space to concentrate on your fitness goals. The release of endorphins from these forms of exercise is an added bonus for our emotional well-being. Moreover, this is a useful tool to help us effectively cope with increased stress and anxiety.

Source: LeandroBoogalu/Pexels
Man running on a beach.
Source: LeandroBoogalu/Pexels

Cross-Train for Body and Brain

Achieving fitness requires dedication and commitment in the quest to attain peak performance, injury prevention, and stay in top condition. Cross-training is an ideal way to accomplish these goals while reaping the benefits of refreshing your body and mind during breaks from formal training. Athletes are particularly challenged to sustain optimal conditioning during this unusual circumstance of self-isolation and social distancing. Nonetheless, the opportunity to incorporate the benefits of cross-training comes to the forefront of this new way of living.

There are several forms of exercise that work best for recovery and prolonging athletic longevity. Swimming, biking, walking, and yoga can help to alleviate sore muscles, repair tissue, and improve endurance. This type of regimen is advantageous for most athletes but one size does not fit all. Dancers, for example, face the dilemma of working out without the consequence of excessive muscle building. Pilates is an excellent choice for increasing core strength, overall stability, and enhanced movement. Cross-country or downhill skiing for aerobic fitness and improving muscle strength can be done in parallel as an alternative to the usual turned out position. Cycling at a lower resistance is another option to avoid bulky thigh muscles during cardio workouts. Similarly, weight training can be modified accordingly to accommodate specific needs until your regular schedule is resumed.

Source: AndreaPiacquadio/Pexels
Woman doing yoga.
Source: AndreaPiacquadio/Pexels

Coaching Considerations

Consulting with an athletic coach may be particularly advantageous in the absence of in-person training. This can be provided via phone or in a virtual format, so there is no need to forgo this valuable resource. Specific goals for cross-training should be established to increase motivation and focus. These guidelines should be outlined to accomplish goals within a realistic time frame. Working in tandem with a coach, you can receive guidance and develop a regimen that will help you avoid overtraining and burnout.

Wellness coaching serves as another solid support system to guide you through this process. The collaborative interaction assists with achieving objectives outside of the general fitness realm. It’s extremely vital to boost your immune system to prevent illness and recover more quickly. Physical and mental health are equally important, so pay close attention to developing this whole-person connection.

Concentrating on future dreams and aspirations is invaluable when you’re feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, and hopeless. The client-coach partnership is one without judgement within a safe place of exploration and discovery. It also necessitates accountability which is essential for taking responsibility for your ultimate success and satisfaction. The combined expertise of different types of coaches should not be overlooked to attain a holistic state of wellness. These are extraordinary times so taking extra measures for optimal health is all the more critical. Your body, mind, and sense of well-being will be renewed and strengthened in this exciting endeavor!

More from Alice E. Schluger Ph.D.
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