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How Pleasure May Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

Sex and pleasure for a happy new year.

New year’s resolutions often meet their fate in the first few weeks of the new year. We make these promises with the intention of bettering ourselves. However, those promises are often not realistic or simply just too difficult. Norcross, Mrykalo, and Blagys (2002) reported that 40% of adults make one or more resolutions for the new year and two-thirds of those resolutions involve changing health behaviors. Several polls have the number of failed resolutions made for the new year at around 80%. That miracle diet — yeah, that wasn’t all that realistic, was it?

Now in an oncoming year following a global pandemic, we are all looking ahead to better days. We want something special for what we have gone through in 2020. Many of us will look to the new year with high exceptions. Those lofty expectations will likely be embedded in our resolutions. There are many reasons that new year’s resolutions fail, including difficulty in going it alone, budgetary concerns, the realization that the resolution lacks value, and the fact that results are not immediate and, therefore, do not sustain motivation.

One type of resolution that sustains motivation, betters yourself, and may be easier to keep is a resolution based on your sexual pleasure. Yes, you have every right to make a promise that allows you to increase sexual pleasure in your life. Once you recognize that you deserve to be sexually satisfied, the resolution writes itself. Even if you are already sexually satisfied, there’s always another level you can attempt to achieve. Make yourself a new year’s sexual resolution, and make that sexual resolution as lofty and adventurous as you desire.

Julia Larson/Pexels
Source: Julia Larson/Pexels

Why would a new year’s sexual resolution succeed where so many resolutions are doomed from the start? There are several psychological and somatic reasons:

  • Long-term goals fail more readily than short-term goals. Finding new pleasures can be done in the short-term, thereby meeting a goal that can promptly set up another short-term goal that keeps the resolution progressing into the new year.
  • Simply put: Pleasure has value. When one finds value in the outcome of their resolution, resolutions tend to have a better success rate. Promise yourself more access to pleasure. Keep it simple, if you wish. Promise yourself that you will masturbate more. If you are ashamed to masturbate, base your resolution on allowing yourself to pleasure yourself. Go out and buy that sex toy you’ve withheld from yourself. There’s not a single thing wrong with pleasuring yourself — remember that when you make your resolution.
  • Sometimes resolutions fail when a person is doing it all by themselves. It doesn’t have to be that way with sexual pleasure — involve a romantic partner in the resolution. Maybe even make a resolution together to try a new position, be more sexually open with one another, reveal a new fantasy, or try something new you’ve both been curious about. In making a joint sexual resolution with your partner, you not only better the lives of both participants, but there is also reinforcement of the resolution when another is involved.
  • With sexual pleasure, results can be immediate. It’s not a diet that can take weeks or months before results are noticed. You can pleasure yourself every day — several times in a day, even.
  • Sexual resolutions are not without motivation. Pleasure, in and of itself, is a motivator.

2020 was difficult for everyone. You deserve a brighter 2021. As the new year approaches, make a resolution that is sustainable and will bring you pleasure in the new year. Keep your resolution sexual and enter 2021 with a bang.


Norcross, John C., Marci S. Mrykalo, and Matthew D. Blagys. 2002. “Auld Lang Syne: Success Predictors, Change Processes, and Self-Reported Outcomes of New Year’s Resolvers and Nonresolvers” in Journal of Clinical Psychology 58(4): 397-405.

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