The "Yes People" to Avoid at Work
A Personal Perspective: When looking for good collaborators, be wary of those who always say yes.
Posted February 22, 2024 Reviewed by Devon Frye
Key points
- There are three common types of "yes people" to avoid at work.
- Identify "yes people" by evaluating how well they consider an ask before accepting it.
- Clarifying questions are key to a well-considered yes.
There are three components to a successful “yes” at work:
- It’s well-timed.
- It’s thoroughly considered.
- It’s tied to a specific, actionable commitment.

We have all known someone with a reputation for saying “yes” to any new request or project, without considering these three components of a good yes. Maybe they want to establish themselves as helpful, go-to people. Maybe they feel pressured to never say “no.” Or maybe they’re just trying to get you off their back.
"Yes people" are frequently well-meaning. But just because they are well-meaning doesn’t mean you should come to rely on them. You want to collaborate with people who will deliver on their commitments to you and upon whom you can rely.
Look Out for Bad Yeses
The first way to avoid working with troublesome yes people is to look for those who give "good yeses." All good yeses require at least some amount of consideration, whether the ask is big or small. When recruiting someone for a new project, role, responsibility, or collaboration, take notice of how well they consider your ask before accepting it.
An easy way to spot a well-considered yes is if it follows a series of clarifying questions:
- What is the deliverable being requested? Be specific.
- What is the delivery date?
- What are the specifications?
- What are the resources that will be required?
- What is the source of authority? Who’s asking for it? Who’s authorizing it? Has it already been approved? If so, by whom?
If you still suspect you may be working with a yes person, there are three common types of yes people to watch out for and avoid.
The Entangler
The entangler is the person who gets too involved in your details and tries to involve you in too many of theirs. It’s as if they are lonely and want someone to keep them company while they do whatever it is they are doing.
They often present themselves as an ever-ready helper—a sidekick or someone looking for a sidekick. The entangler wants to have two people doing the job of one person—two hands, one hammer. They can consume an incredible amount of your time and are hard to untangle from your work.
The Generous Fool
The generous fool is the person, always well-meaning, who wants desperately to be of service but is not very good at it. They promise to do things for you that they are simply unable to do or that they are not allowed to do. So, they’ll likely take up too much of your time, give you the impression that your needs are being taken care of, but ultimately disappoint you.
Generous fools might think they are meeting your needs, until the very end when they deliver, and you discover that they didn’t meet your needs at all. All the while, you have missed the opportunity to engage with someone who could help you.
So, be nice to the generous fools, but don’t work with them. Be generous, but don’t be a fool.
The Over-Promiser
Over-promisers sometimes look like the generous fool, because they often come from a good place; they aim to please. They love the feeling at the moment of the promise, like giving a kid cotton candy for dinner.
Over-promisers think they are taking the easy way out on the front end by not doing the due diligence. But before long, they pay a big price, and so will the people around them.
Sometimes over-promisers are big talkers. They love to impress in a meeting or when they are talking to the boss, a customer, or another big shot. Sometimes, over-promisers go rogue. They want to be helpers or heroes or have a fun adventure. Of course, rogues may also tend to ditch their rogue commitments at the last minute.
If you have a tendency to over-promise, remember that the short-term gratification for you and the person you make a promise to will soon be far overshadowed by the negative impact of overpromising: Failure to deliver, delays, mistakes, and relationship damage.