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How To Fire Someone Effectively But (Hopefully) With Dignity

How would you want to be treated if you were receiving this difficult message?

No one likes to do it but let’s assume in this case it needs to be done. Let’s assume that for reasons of talent, or effort, or behavior, or cultural fit, or whatever, you as the manager have determined that a certain employee has to go. No one enjoys this. So how do you go about it in the best possible way?

Following are tips to help make a stressful undertaking less so:

Don’t go off half-cocked. This is no place for impulsive action, or anger, or acting in the heat of the moment. Among other things, mishandled employee terminations can have serious legal and financial consequences. It’s a place for thoughtful, well-planned action.

Document meticulously. Be sure that past problems with this employee have been diligently documented. (This is naturally something a manager should be doing all along as issues occur.) If this hasn’t happened, and your records are sparse, it may be best wait (if you can) until more problems take place, and then document those, so all “ducks are in a row.”

Work closely with HR. They’ll help ensure that all the necessary ducks are in fact there, and that you follow an appropriate process. Their objective counsel can save you, and the organization, from your impulsive self. I always worked extremely closely with HR on such matters and never for a nanosecond regretted it.

Security. You’ll want to be sure your Security operation (such as it is) is in the loop, and perhaps even on standby if needed, when the actual termination takes place. You’ll want to be sure corporate assets and data are safeguarded. Though these preparations may sound excessive, depending on the circumstances and personalities, employee terminations can be combustible, unpredictable situations. All may go totally smoothly and quietly… or it can be chaos. You want things handled fairly but with minimal drama. Think risk mitigation.

Beyond the logistical planning is the actual delivery of hard news. What should a manager bear in mind?

Communicate with candor and clarity. Professionalism is the order of the day. Know what your message is, and stick to it. There’s a reason why the employee didn’t work out. It’s not a time to hide behind email, or to ramble or be overly emotional. Be well prepared, clear, and emotionally ready for the moment.

Empathy. How your message is communicated can make a huge difference. To state the obvious, being fired is often extremely painful. Genuine empathy matters. Having been on both sides of these conversations, I can attest that being treated with respect and dignity is extremely important. Ask yourself: How would you want to be treated if you were on the receiving end of such a difficult message?

Employees on the floor know better than anyone who’s a great employee and who, shall we say, isn’t. If a firing is capricious and undeserved, it sends a collective chill through an organization. (This could happen to anyone or, worst of all, me!) Morale and confidence are shaken. But if a firing is truly deserved – if an individual just can’t do the job or has had a destructive influence on an organization – the vast majority of hard-working employees will recognize what needed to be done and will respect the manager for it. (Indeed, chronic managerial passivity or inaction may even breed disrespect.)

Firing someone is never enjoyable. But it can be easier or harder, depending on how well you’ve prepared.

Thoughts? Always interested to hear from readers on this delicate subject…

This article appeared first at

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Victor is the author of The Type B Manager: Leading Successfully in a Type A World (Prentice Hall Press).

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