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Living Single, 2018: Your 13 Favorite Articles

What’s with all the happy single people?

Time to tally the blog posts you liked best in 2018. I was happy to discover that “Living Single” readers seem to have a special place in their hearts for articles that are myth-busting and stereotype-shattering. There is always so much of that to do when it comes to living single.

Here are the top 13 blog posts from 2018, followed by an acknowledgment of the least popular article I wrote this year.

#13 A half-century of fewer people marrying: What explains it?

#12 Better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all?

#11 6 reasons why psychology is your secret weapon

#10 Women’s stereotype-shattering reasons for living single

#9 Women who are comfortably single at midlife

#8 The rise of single people: Why some find it scary

#7 How people who live alone conquered loneliness

#6 3 kinds of happy people

#5 What single women really want

#4 What’s so special about romantic relationships?

#3 7 reasons why young people are having less sex

#2 5 types of people who withdraw from social life

#1 Why men stay single: What no one is telling you

The least popular “Living Single” blog post I wrote in 2018 was:

Newlyweds then and now: “We’re like you” to “We’re special.”

I think it is fitting that readers of a blog on living single don’t want to hear about newlyweds. So thank you for that. And thank-you, Living Single readers, for stopping by in 2018. Hope to see you next year.

More from Bella DePaulo Ph.D.
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