When to trust your gut—and when to think twice.
Psychology Today Magazine
May 2007
No more secrets. What does self-disclosure do to your psyche?
In an era of epic divorce battles, parents increasingly use kids to bash each other. Can a broken parent-child bond be restored?
Grounded optimism can help you fight illness.
When it comes to love, character is destiny.
Did you leave enough of yourself at home today?
The fear of exclusion and exile runs deep.
What happens when one friend has more cash than the other?
For some people, stuff reigns and to shop is to be.
Keep your online profile vague.
The worst of your allergy symptoms could be in your head.
Moving therapy from the couch to the art easel.
Is the compulsive need to write a gift or curse?
The private eye who nabs the guy.
How slang helps soldiers bond and cope.
An ancient tradition, yoga gains modern muscle.
How to choose the right yoga discipline.
Cool judgment under pressure.
Lentils are good for hearing and memory loss.
The politics of personal space.
Shut up, stay put, and don't look at the clock.
Geek and postmodern digital pioneer.
Books on self-justification, net dating, and parenting.
Poker champ Annie Duke on gut instincts.
A pill for therapeutic forgetting.
When success and power are frowned upon.
Seven tips that will add years to your life.
Feeding your diet for self-control.
How to get whiter teeth and higher self-esteem.
Why men's mags are a drag on male self-esteem.
It's Hillary's turn, but how does Bill feel?
When one partner is overly neat.
He's afraid of being a bad father.
When it's time to call it quits.
When friends don't share the same penchant for fun.