Megan Dalla-Camina
Megan Dalla-Camina is the founder and CEO of Women Rising, and an expert in women’s leadership, well-being, and empowerment. She has appeared on NBC, CNN, CBS News, and in other media outlets including Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company, Thrive Global, and Well + Good, and is the author of Getting Real About Having It All; Lead Like a Woman; and Simple Soulful Sacred: A Woman’s Guide to Clarity, Comfort, and Coming
Home to Herself.
Dalla-Camina had an 18-year executive career, heading up strategy, gender diversity, and leadership initiatives, and serving as a marketing director at companies including PwC, GE, and IBM. Her last corporate role was as Head of Strategy for a division of IBM, with remits for Gender Diversity and Organisational Culture and Change. She was one of the founding implementation leaders in the Male Champions of Change initiative with the Human Rights Commissioner.
The Women Rising program has supported thousands of women in more than 300 companies and 30-plus countries, and Dalla-Camina has worked with and presented to clients including Microsoft, AMP, CBA, AGL, the Women Economic Forum, American Express, CEO Forum, Canon, Aveva, NAB, Roche, LG, British American Business, GM, SAP, Vodafone, MasterCard, CPA, and more. She is also a leadership lecturer at Macquarie Business School.
Dalla-Camina has two Masters degrees (in Business Management from MGSM, and in Wellness/Positive Psychology from RMIT), and a partial Ph.D. in women’s leadership. She is also a qualified yoga and meditation teacher. She recently completed the Inner MBA program at NYU.