Mark Rego M.D.
Mark Rego, M.D., is a psychiatrist with a broad background in practice as well as in writing about mental illness. During his practice, he saw not only office patients, but people in nursing homes, group homes, and general hospitals with physical as well as psychiatric problems. His office was truly community-based as he treated everyone from those with severe mental illness to people with brief, mild problems. Anyone from adolescents to the elderly was welcome.
Rego is a clinical assistant professor at the Yale School of Medicine and has taught trainees for his entire career. His teaching has focused on the more challenging aspects of practice such as complex medications and helping suicidal individuals. In addition, Rego and some colleagues spent 10 years traveling to the rural Peruvian Andes to help a local group establish a functioning and well supplied mental health center.
Unfortunately, a progressive physical disability forced Rego out of clinical practice. He now spends his time studying psychiatry and related issues in order to write about mental illness for the general public. His writing focuses on understanding mental illness as well as examining its broader role in society.